
In khaki growth, both plant growth and reproductive growth are clearly limited by the external environmental conditions, such as hydric deficit, high salinity, low temperatures and nutrient availability.

The development of the biostimulant range [Khaki] for bright red khaki arises from a great number of scientific works conducted on various crops, where different responses to the application of the same compound were observed depending on the crop and the variety. Based on this evidence, naturKhem presented an investigation project together with the R&D&I department, the Universidad Jaume I of Castellon, and one of the most important fruit tree nurseries in Spain. The principal objective of the investigation project that lasted for 11 months was to analyse the effect of the application of different biostimulant products regarding bright red khaki tree physiology in different conditions.

KakiGran / Its effect on the growth of young and adult trees was evaluated.

KakiBrillant / Its effect on the physiology of trees undergoing irrigation with saline water in different agricultural holdings (Castellon area) was evaluated.

Foliar treatments were performed on some plants with the [Khaki] technology, and other plants were treated with other market reference biostimulants.

In order to be studied, physiological measures of growth and chemistry were taken. Among other parameters, diameter variations of the trunk of all the plants and the foliar concentrations of proline, malonyldialdehyde (MDA), chlorides, abscisic acid, jasmonic acid and salicylic acid were determined. At the end of the experimental period, production measures were also taken regarding the intrinsic and extrinsic quality of the fruit and its post-harvest performance.