K2O 16.0%   MgO 6.5%   Mn 2.6%   Zn 2.3%   C Org 28.3%

[CitriXL] technology consists in two liquid formulas based on mixtures of selected nutrients combined to boost their biostimulant activity, enriched with potassium and magnesium, and free of hormones, designed for foliar use. The application of [CitriXL] technology increases fruit calibre in different varieties of mandarins and oranges, allowing farmers to adapt to the calibres required in the market.

Formulas should be applied jointly in a 1/1 ratio. Only the synergy of both products makes it possible to maintain the fruit with the higher calibre in the tree and to let smaller fruits fall during the physiological fall.

Nowadays, the traditional use of hormone-based products is being regulated for health care, environmental and fruit quality reasons. This situation may set aside certain citrus varieties from the commercial sector due to their low calibre. [CitriXL] achieves the same or a better result than these products but does not leave any type of waste on the fruit, as it is free of hormones and any other impurity. Below.


Directions for Use