OBI [B]B 9.6%   pH 7.3   Foliar dosage, 0.1 - 0.4%, Fertirrigation, 3 - 8 L/ha

OBI [B] OBI is a liquid formula based on BORO (in a boron-ethanolamine form), a source that provides a high content of boron and assures correct assimilation of the element by the crop. The application should be performed before deficiency symptoms appear, because this element stimulates growth of cambium fibres and of apical meristems to fundamentally adequate levels to assure good production of pollen and correct pollination of flowers.

It is recommended as a supplementary Boron source for those crops that need large amounts of this nutrient. It is also recommended as preventive and curative control for deficiency conditions due to lack or imbalance in Boron assimilation.