[Desert] ECO
K 14.9%   AA derivative 17.5%   Foliar dosage 2 - 3 L/ha

[Desert] technology consists in a liquid biostimulant formula derived from amino acids and strengthened with potassium, designed for foliar use. The application of [Desert] biostimulant favours an improved plant development, as well as the synthesis and accumulation of reserve composites in treated plants.

Irrigation with low quality water, together with the water deficiency, is a very adverse environmental condition for crops. In addition, the climate change conditions that seriously affect the different areas of the globe frequently subject fruit trees to stressful situations due to extreme temperatures.

Salinity reduces the size of the canopy and the leaves, as well as the number and size of the fruits. The responses of crops to saline stress vary depending on the age of the leaves and the plant, the season of the year and the environmental conditions. With regard to the post-harvest life of the fruit, this type of stress accelerates the ageing processes of the tissues, shortening their shelf life.

The use of [Desert] provides the optimal boost for plants to be able to respond to stress, achieving similar developments as the plants grown in optimal crop conditions. The fruits of treated trees improve their post-harvest life.